Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Ready

No spanking again.  I really could have used one the last couple of days but he’s been too too.  He knows I would be much less cryptic if he would just oblige, so don’t know why he’s not following through. Sometimes he’s just too nice.   With the weekend coming up maybe, just maybe I’ll get lucky. 


  1. Humm...I sure hope you do get lucky! Lucky is so much better than that downward spiral that we tend to do when we need a little attention.

  2. Here's hoping for maybe, lol. I believe you once recommended a hammer to deal with the dense. Hope you get what you need.

  3. Susie, call me lucky.

    faerie, I didn't even need the hammer.

  4. Looks like we might get another post out of this. Let me tell you they used to call me the 'detail whore'. So lets here what's been going on at your house!


  5. PK it's just that things have been a little touchy the last couple of days. I was less than pleasant and needed attention. Today my sweet man recognized the signs and took care of me. No spankin- but lots of dancin. Much better mood now.
    The hammer part is related to a comment I made
    on faire's blog the other day.


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