Saturday, November 17, 2012

An Experiment

Many years ago, I saw my very first bear at Yellowstone National Park.  Unfortunately the mamma and her cub were begging at cars as they came through the entrance.  Not good behaviour and I am sure they were relocated shortly thereafter.

A Russian scientist and a Czechoslovakian scientist had spent their lives studying the grizzly bear. Each year they petitioned their respective governments to allow them to go to Yellowstone National Park to study the bears. Finally their request was granted, and they immediately flew to NY and on West to Yellowstone.

They reported to the ranger station and were told that it was the grizzly mating season and it was too dangerous to go out and study the animals. They pleaded that this was their only chance, and finally the ranger relented.

The Russian and the Czech were given portable phones and told to report in every day. For several days they called in, and then nothing was heard from the two scientists. The rangers mounted a search party and found the camp completely ravaged, with no sign of the missing men. They followed the trail of a male and a female bear. They found the female and decided they must kill the animal to find out if she had eaten the scientists because they feared an international incident. They killed the female animal and opened the stomach to find the remains of the Russian. One ranger turned to the other and said, "You know what this means, don't you?"

The other ranger responded, "Of course...""The Czech is in the male."

See you later for more Aimless Ramblings.


  1. groan...
    lol thanks for the laugh.

  2. Errrrrgh! Totally did not see that coming! Thanks for the smile.

  3. Happy Saturday Sunnygirl! Enjoy your day.

  4. Lol, should have seem that coming, but strangely didn't. Have a great weekend Sunny :)

  5. I didn't see that end coming either, lol. Thanks for the laugh :D

  6. Sunny .... you should be spanked for that one. :D Have a great weekend.

  7. Oh no! Now that a groaner for sure! lol

  8. Groaning with everyone else. LOL

  9. Fondles Roz Ianmrs Cat
    Minelle NewBea Hermione SNP
    Tess Faerie Grace

    You may have groaned, but I get you giggled first. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are enjoying a great weekend.

  10. I laughed ... and will share this at our Thanksgiving get together if I can repeat it without messing up.


Thanks for stopping by. Make it a Great Day