Tuesday, January 3, 2012


3rd day of the new year already.  Didn’t make any New Years Resolutions.  Why bother I never keep them not for want of trying but because I either can’t remember what they were and if I wrote them down where I put them.  I have a plaque that constantly reminds me “What did I come in here for”.  Since menopause I have suffered from CRS (can’t remember s***) or stuff if you want to sugar coat it. 

Hope you had a lovely holiday season and everyone is decompressing.  The letdown can be exhausting too.  It was a nice treat to not have to take down decorations.  When we came back from our New Year’s outing the holiday was officially over – no reminders.

There hasn’t been much spanking going on.  My sweet hubby sprained his wrist (and no he was not spanking my butt at the time)  it was very swollen and sore. He did try using the doggin bat yesterday and found it didn’t hurt his wrist at all.  So I received my New Years spanking a couple of days late. It was great.  I know all you spankos understand and those spanknos are shaking their heads and saying what is she crazy or something. 

It is very cold here today.  We went from 83 on Sunday to 45 now and it is noon.  I expected this when I lived in Colorado.  The weather there can change every 45 minutes.  But sunny Florida – the only people not bundled up are the snowbirds. 

  See this is how it is supposed to be.  Better check my GPS.
Enough for now.  See ya later.


  1. There was a holiday? Must have missed it, lol. Hope hubbies wrist is all better soon. Can I reserve a spot on that beach please?

  2. The doggin bat is great, isn't it? :) My New Years Resolution is NOT to make a New Years Resolution. Works every time!

  3. I'm doing great on my resolutions. I even resisted movie popcorn last night during Mission Impossible.

    I'd love for it to be 45 where I live.


  4. Faerie: There's a reserved sign on the beach chair. Wrist is better, thank you.

    Rogue: Yes, it is. My kind of thinking about the resolution thing.

    Kitty: Good for you. It's tough getting through a movie without popcorn.

  5. yes, it's been chilly in Florida these days. Have a Happy New Year and hope you get more spankings in the new year.



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