Saturday, December 7, 2013

Keeping Up

Life has been a little chaotic the past couple of weeks and with holidays just around the corner, I cannot image it will be lessen until after the new year.  I've been busy promoting my latest book release Love is Where You Find It, and the LSF Christmas Collection.  I've written Christmas and New Year's stories for this blog, a story that will be on Ana's Advent Calendar on December 11th as well as a story that appears as part of the collection of The Best Christmas Present Ever.  Lots of links today.  This writing business keeps me a lot busier than I ever imagined.  I really thank all of you for your great support and if I'm not here as often, or responding to your comments, or emails, I apologize and I promise to be better next year.

I realized I never even posted a little tease for my latest release on this site. Sorry. If you are interested you can go by my other blog today and read a little bit.

Ray and I have had a little fun lately and I could really use a lot more.  Going to do more of that in the New Year too. It's going to be on the top of my resolution list, maybe that's one I'll keep.

Be sure to stop by on Monday for a new story. See you again soon for more Aimless Ramblings.


  1. Being busy with writing is better than being idle and getting into trouble, I say.

    Happy writing! and I think having more "fun" is a resolution we can all keep next year!

  2. Sympathies. I underestimated this writing business too, lots of things on the go at the same time. Hope the new year resolutions work out :-)

    1. It does, it takes much more time than I thought it would.

      I'm going to make it work, life is too short as it is.

  3. Being busy can be a good thing!!
    Never worry about missing some of the activity! Sometimes life gets crazy...right?
    I can't keep up at all.
    Having fun is important!

    1. It can be a good thing but there is such as thing as too much of a good thing. I want and need more fun.

  4. Well. miss you....but on the bright side...the more you write, the more i get to read!
    This time of year is always busy.....with many fun and happy things ...
    hugs abby

    1. You're too cute abby. It is this time of year, the spinning is out of conrol.

  5. I have to keep focused too. Sometimes I know I get to writing about what I want so much that I forget to enjoy what I really have right in front of me. You and Ray keep having your good times.

    1. It does take sometimes. This time of year always affects me this way.

  6. Hang in there! Looking forward to your new books

  7. I know the feeling!! I feel like I never make the rounds of blogging anymore-- so busy with the writing!! I'm so glad you're publishing your great stories now!

    1. I'm sure you do because in addition to the writing stuff you are a mother and have a career too. Thanks for your compliment about my stories, coming from you I am honored. I love your writing.


Thanks for stopping by. Make it a Great Day