Monday, April 22, 2013

Smoke and Flames

He walked into the roadhouse, his eyes scanning the clientele in the smoke filled room. When he spotted her she was sitting there smoking a cigarette and talking to the man next to her.  He could feel the hackles rise on the back of his neck.  He walked over to her, grabbed her off the stool and hauled her out of there.

“I am going to flame your ass” he said as he was walking out of the door.  Katy got that tingly feeling deep in her tummy at those words.  This is exactly what she had been hoping for and wanting for some time.

Jason was a great bear of a man but his looks betrayed him. He was a gentle soul. He didn’t even swat flies, just shooed them out the door.  Katy had never met anyone like him.  Most of the men she knew were rough around the edges.  They were lumberjacks as were their father’s before them.  Most of them had never been more than a hundred miles from Creekside.  Women were loved and respected but expected to take care of house, home and them.  A woman was expected to open her own door, pull out her own chair and do her own heavy lifting so when Katy went out with Jason for the first time she was overwhelmed with his gentlemanly manners.

He had bought the hardware store in town a couple of years ago.  Creekside was a small sleepy community on the Oregon/Washington border.  Not much exciting happened here so when an “outsider” bought a local store there was much speculation about the why’s and wherefore’s.  No one came to Creekside to have a life, they left Creekside to get a life.  So Jason was an anomaly.  The stories flew fast and furious; He was a fugitive, or an ex-con, or someone running away from “you name it” and it was attributed to him.  After a few months, he finally was able to convince the town folk he was just here to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world in which he had lived.  He was retired military and had spent many tours of duty in places he never thought he would and saw things he never wanted to see ever again.

Katy had been born and raised in Creekside.  She never knew her father, he didn’t stick around once he found out her mother was pregnant with her.  Her mother never recovered from her birth and she had been raised by her grandparents.  Her mother passed when she was five and so her memories were few but she had a good life.  Her grandparents were loving but strict so when the first guy came along and  filled her head with thoughts of freedom and big city life, she ran off with him. 

Unfortunately, she soon realized that freedom came with a price.  Being too proud to admit her mistake, she stuck it out living from hand to mouth in a run-down apartment in a city she no longer thought was wonderful, with a man she didn’t love and who clearly didn’t love her based on the emotional abuse he dealt out daily.  Two years into this existence, Sully didn’t come home one night.  The next day a policeman came to the door and delivered the news she knew she would one day hear.  Sully had been drunk and picked a fight with some burly guys.  During the skirmish he fell back, hit his head and died on the way to the hospital.  She didn’t mourn his passing.  When she called her grandparents to tell them, they urged her to come back to Creekside.  She took their advice, came home and never looked back. 

She dated now and again but until Jason came along no one made much of an impression on her.  She had heard it all before and knew that what she had was better than what she’d had with Sully.  Jason was different. She loved how gentle he was and how well he treated her and others.  Even in lovemaking, he handled her as if she was made of porcelain.  She wished he was a little more dominant but she knew what was important in life and she respected and loved him. So when he asked her to marry him she said yes.  They settled into the home in which she was raised.  

For the most part, Katy was happy.  But sometimes, Jason was so easygoing that Katy would get frustrated that nothing she did seem to rile him. She wanted a little excitement, she wanted to spar with him.  She remembered her granny could get her grandpa so fired up and mad as a wet hen, they were always scrapping with each other.  She knew it was never for real because there were always smiles and laughter.  There were times though when Grandpa would be serious and granny would back down. He never raised a hand to either one of them but he would threaten to give her a good hiding if she didn’t behave. She learned early on his word was law.  She spent many an hour standing in the corner or being grounded because she had disobeyed or sassed him. 

One day she sat down with Jason and told him just how she felt.  He listened closely and told her he had seen so much violence he didn’t want to experience it ever again.  She told him she was not talking about violence just about some good old arguing or getting his dander up.  He said that was not his way and why couldn’t she be happy with that.  She told him she just wanted to add a little spice to their life.

After that, she considered it her mission in life to do whatever she could to get him to budge.  Purposely, she would do things she hoped would irritate him.  Things like not doing the laundry, or leaving the car with no gas on days she knew he needed it to get somewhere.  He seemed to take it all in stride.  She finally just gave up. She loved him and she knew what he was like when she married him so she  read more and more exciting romance novels and fantasized in her head that Jason was the hero and she the damsel in distress.

Then one day everything seemed to change.  She was no longer just acting bitchy.  She was bitchy. Nothing he did pleased her; she was sweet as pie one minute and a complete shrew the next.  He tried his best and would stay at the store for longer and longer periods of time.  He was never sure just who he would be coming home to and even if it was his sweet loving Katy he was never sure just how long she would be around.

 He looked so ragged that his long time employee, Sadie, asked if anything was wrong and if she could help.

“ I don’t know what’s wrong but Katy just doesn’t seem to be herself.  She is always grouchy and mean”.

Sadie said giggling “when I get like that Jake just takes me over his knee and after a good tanning, things just seemed to straighten right out”

Jason was aghast and said he could never do anything like that.

“Well, I’m just telling you what works for us.  You’ll figure out what to do”

Jason went home that night and Katy was as sweet as pie.  She’d made his favorite dinner of meat loaf and mashed potatoes with gravy, and an apple pie for dessert. He was so happy, until bedtime.  When he suggested it was time for bed, Katy the Terrible emerged.

 “Who do you think you are telling me when it’s time to go to bed?  I’ll go to bed when I damn well please”.

The tirade continued until he just turned around and left the room.  She followed him continuing her harangue.  Suddenly, Sadie’s advice came to mind and he figured what the hell did he have to lose.  He turned back to her and without a word pulled her over his hip and swatted her backside.

She kicked his shins, so he gave her a few more.  When he let her up, she was silent.
“I don’t care if you come to bed or not but I don’t want to hear another word.  I have finally had it”

He went to bed and was astounded when the next thing he knew she was beside him.  She cuddled into him and began telling him how much she loved him and she was so sorry for her bad behavior.  He told her all was forgiven and kissed her good night.  Katy wasn’t ready for sleep.  He had awakened her senses and she wasn’t going to sleep until those desires were sated.  It was the best sex they had in months.

Jason swatted her more often now and each time her hiney got that little tingle. They were having more sex than they had been and she was enjoying it.  What she wasn’t enjoying were her mood swings.  When she finally went to the doctor he confirmed her suspicions.  She was menopausal.  She told him she was much too young and went on her way.  After a few more weeks she couldn’t stand herself any longer and went on hormone replacement therapy.  It worked beautifully and she was back to her old self.  Unfortunately as she settled out, the spanks disappeared and so did the great sex.

‘I have to get that back’, she thought to herself.  ‘What can I do that will really get Jason to sit up and take notice’? 

So once again she began doing things to irritate him.  One of the things he hated when they met was that she smoked.  He finally persuaded her to give them up and she hadn’t smoked in years.  She bought a pack of cigarettes and although she never lit up, she would light one and let it burn in the ashtray and then leave the evidence.  The cigarette pack was left in plain sight.  When Jason saw them he grabbed them and her and threatened to “spank her bottom until it was smoking hot” if she started smoking again.

‘What’s a girl to do?’. She thought.

 The next Friday, she left him a note to meet her at the roadhouse.  They needed a night out.  She sat at the bar and watched the door. When she spotted Jason she immediately grabbed a cigarette and lit it.  She had been chatting to Jamie Henderson, a friend from high school, but Jason didn’t know that.  So she really played it up and by the time Jason spotted her she could see she had succeeded.

When he got her home, he pulled off her jeans and her panties and hauled her over his knee. He “flamed her ass” and other parts that night and many nights thereafter.