Monday, April 16, 2012


We are finally back on the road.  But Mother Nature is conspiring against us.  The call was for strong wind and severe storms so we decided to pull off the road early.  The wind was gusting at about 50 mph and last night Mother Nature provided a great fireworks display.  Kept listening for that freight train.  Thankfully, never did hear it although I am not sure what we would have done if we had.  There was some hail but nothing damaging. We dodged another bullet.

We began today with our own brand of fireworks.  Taking full advantage of privacy, hubby delivered a soft sexy spanking which was followed by playtime.  Love to begin the day that way.

Another short day on the road though.  The sun is shining but the wind is gusting again and I was getting "landsick (as oppposed to seasick) from being buffeted by the wind.  We were going into a head wind and the gas gauge was losing the battle. We decided to call it an early day and pulled into a campground in an area between Midland and Odessa.  With any luck tomorrow will be less windy and we can exit the State of Texas. I think we have been here long enough to establish residency.

See you later.  More aimless ramblings down the road.


  1. The mid-west can't catch a break weather wise. So glad you are smart enough and able to stop when yo need to. Your morning sounds lovely. I think you should start each day like that. Sure as heck beats heading back to work like me.

    Keep staying safe and keep having fun!


    1. The morning was lovely and you are right it would be great if every day started that way.

  2. I don't think I could handle the weather they have been having in Texas and the surrounding states if I was on solid ground. Under it maybe, lol. The thought of facing it in an RV is more then I care to think about.

    At least you had some lovely playtime :)

    1. We have been very lucky. Today should be the last day in Texas and it is supposed to be sunny and no wind. Yeah.

  3. weather...yuck! glad you are staying safe. What a lovely way to start the day...abby

    1. Thanks for your good wishes. And yes, it was a lovely way to start the day.

  4. Nice way to start the day. Keep enjoying your trip.


    1. Will do - love starting the day off with a "bang". LOL

  5. Oh, odd as it sounds, bad weather in Midland/Odessa sounds like home.


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