Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Words that Drive Men Nuts

TEN things women say that drive men nuts.

1) "That looks cute."
For the most part, men hate cute. We don't want to hear about it, we don't want to see it, and we sure as hell don't want to be it. If we come down stairs after getting dressed and you tell us we look cute, there's a 100 percent chance we're changing. We're supposed to be your protector, your rock, and cute does not fit into that picture.
2) "We need to talk."
These four words shut off a man's brain faster than long division. When men hear you say that they immediately go into flight mode. And anything they can do to get out of this conversation—and better yet, your space—they will. There are plenty of other ways to approach a delicate conversation, and getting us in a place where we feel comfortable is a good start.
3) "It's just a game."
Actually, it's not just a game. Sports are a major part of our lives and the outcome has as much to do with our mood as just about anything else. Is it fair? No. Is it right? No. Is it immature? Maybe. But it's life. Sometimes we just care too much. We understand that it doesn't make sense, but you should be happy that we're that passionate about something. Telling us that "it's just a game" is like us telling you that Oprah's just a talk show host.
4) "Nothing's wrong."
Please don't tell us nothing's wrong. The look on your face could make the toughest guy on the planet weep like a third-grade girl and your arms are crossed so tight you might explode. We're not mind readers; tell us what's going on. And don't make us guess because—believe me—you won't like what we come up with.
5) "I sound like my mom."
The mere fact that you might turn into your mom someday scares the hell out of us. Don't say it, even in jest—it's not funny. We actually believe (and pray) that the saying "every woman ends up looking like their mother" is an old wives' tale. If we didn't, no one would ever get married.
6) "I just want to be friends."
No you don't. You just want us to stop calling you. This is a lot like pulling off a band-aid. Do it quick—don't prolong the agony. Most of us take "I just want to be friends" as "There's still a chance," so if there isn't just make it a clean break and move on. Everyone will be much better because of it.
7) "Size doesn't matter."
Don't lie to us. We know it does, and we're doing our best to make up for it in other ways. It's best just to not say anything at all.
8) "What are you wearing?"
We're wearing whatever's clean or whatever you tell us to. We don't plan out our wardrobe days in advance, but we do actually try and look presentable. It may not work a lot of the time, but we do give it a shot. Giving us direction is completely encouraged. Do it nicely though. 
9) "Do you think she's pretty?"
Of course we do, our standards are much lower than yours. But just because we check her out doesn't mean we think any less of you. We try to be as discreet as possible, but for the most part, we can't help it. It's in our DNA. When an attractive woman walks by, it's best to just pretend nothing happened.
10) "Which outfit do you like better?"]

I'm going to be honest here - 90% of the guys out there are not going to tell you which outfit they like better.  They're going to try to pick the one you like better and not get into a holy war when the baby-sitter is due any minute.  To us, you always look good.  Getting a couple of cocktails and spending as much time as we can without the kids is our ultimate goal for a rare night out.

Hope you laughed as much as me.  See you later for more Aimless Ramblings.


  1. Dragon will ask #9 if he catches me looking at a girl to hard. If I ask him that question it is usually because I think she is amazing. Lol. Not a bad thing for us.

  2. Hi Sunny, we both laughed at these and hubby definitely agreed with a few!
    love Jan, xx

  3. LoL Sunny, love these and I'm sure Rick would agree with a few too. "Does my bum look big in this"? lol


  4. Great Sunny made me laugh.
    Hugs Lindy

  5. Smiling and nodding here...
    hugs abby

  6. Sunny, I always like these kind of insights into the minds of men. They can be funny, but there is a lot of truth in them, too.

    If I had to make a generalization, it would be that men are more linear thinkers than women. Also, I do not believe Sam would read something similar about women. Men do not spend hours examining feelings.


  7. Ha! Number 2 would have both Nick and me running in opposite directions.

  8. Sunny,
    I think every one of those has been used at one time or another.

  9. Thanks for sharing, Sunny! :) Did get a kick out of them! Numbers 8 and 10, made me nod and laugh the most. I can relate. LOL! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

  10. I did laugh at these. Thanks. SG.


  11. Thanks, Sunny, I needed a laugh today.
    Rosie xx

  12. lol. usually i'm looking at a hot chick and bikss is asking me if i think that girl is cute :)

    AND he's very in touch with his feminine side in that he DOES have an opinion on women's clothing and how a girl dresses... i've often asked him if he's gay. (not that there's anything wrong with that... )

  13. To all my friends,

    So glad this post made you laugh. I know Ray and I had a good time over them too.

  14. Ha! Funny and true! That said, I can add another to the list that applies to Nash anyway ... it's when I say "Sooo, I was thinking..." It's like he's automatically on red/high alert, wondering what on earth I have in store for him/us. lol

  15. Hey there!! Oh I will have to read these to the guy in my life....hmmmm I need to come up with a name for him :)

    Belle :)

  16. Lol, Jay is very honest in explaining how guys think, and he has told me every single one of these at one time or another. Great list! :D

  17. Lol, Jay is very honest in explaining how guys think, and he has told me every single one of these at one time or another. Great list! :D


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