Monday, November 21, 2011


Thanks to PK of New Beginnings who visited my site the other day and awarded me the VBA.  I wasn't sure I was going to do this being so new to the game, but here goes.

1.  I love to read and will stay up until the wee small hours of the morning to finish a book even when I know how it ends because I always read the last chapter first.
2. I believe in a parallel universe

3. I love the water and cruising is my favorite form of vacation

4. I hate housework but love cooking even though I don’t do that much of it anymore

5. I’m told I always have a smile on my face,  probably because I am an optimist.  Although as I’ve gotten older I’ve also gotten more cynical.  So maybe the smile is just a Cheshire cat grin.
6. I cannot imagine how I got along before my laptop although anything else electronically just escapes me. Secretly, its because I just don’t care.

7. I’m closer to 70 than 60 and it’s scary to think I’ve lived most of my life when there is still so much   I want to see and do.

I am relatively new to blogland – sometime within the last year and I am a faithful follower of some blogs and always trying new ones.  I would be remiss in  picking just 15 but the first ones I started reading  New Beginnings, Hermione’s Heart, Shelter in the Storm, Finding Sara,  led me to others. Now the list is much longer although I don’t have them listed on the site because I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. 

Susie of Her Mischief Managed said it very well.  She said  “ sometimes wonders if she has a twin sister out there in blogland”.  I know just how she feels.  It has increased my circle of friends exponentially even though I’ll never get to meet any of you.  You have all touched my life and I am so grateful for your friendship.


  1. Yeah, looks like your comments are working this morning. I agree completely with you about my laptop. I couldn't do without it but I won't get a new phone because I no longer have a teenager at home to teach me how to use it.

    I'm proud of all the young women out here that got in touch with their spanko side early and came out but I really like having grown up friends out here that have seen a little life.


  2. PK

    Yes, ws do look at things a little differently
    with our "level of maturity".

  3. Hi Sunny, just found this post, I am still having problems with adding blogs too. I add them, then they go away again, very frustrating. I feel like a mother hen who can't keep her chicks together. LOL. Have a lovely holiday.

  4. Welcome to the blogging world. You wrote a wonderful fantasy story for PK. And nice to find another blogger closer to 70 (well actually just got there) than 60. I like to say I'm young at heart.


  5. Hi Sunnygirl,

    Thanks for mentioning my blog. I'd be lost without my computer, to at least my iPad.

    To add a blogroll of blogs that you like, go into Blogger layout, click on Add a Gadget, then choose the gadget called Blog List. Then you can add edit it whenever you want, to add links to the blogs you like.

    Email me anytime if you want more help with this.



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