Monday, April 6, 2015


I was a lovely Easter weekend here, how about where you were.  We spent a quiet one together.  We've been quite busy over the last two weeks and the next two look like more of the same, so we opted to stay home with  no company.  Funny, but when we talked to our daughter, she was doing the same.  Guess it runs in the family.  

Wilson and Wilson were the only law firm in Scottsville.  Benjamin P. Wilson Sr. came to Scottsville straight out of law school and clerked for Judge Henderson.  When Henderson stepped down and opened his law firm, he took on Ben Sr.  That was twenty-five years ago and Judge Henderson had passed on and now Ben Sr. was semi-retired and Ben Jr. took on the majority of cases that came their way. 

Benjy, as his fiancée Penny called him, was handling a particularly difficult case and had been tied up for weeks.  Penny, a spoiled brat if there ever was one, didn’t like being pushed aside for work and was complaining to her future mother-in-law at a ladies’ luncheon that lately Benjy has treated her as badly as Ben Sr. treated Livvy.

Ben Sr. was a bit of a curmudgeon to the rest of the world but behind closed doors was another matter.  No one understood how Livvy stayed married to him all those years.  Sometimes, Livvy didn’t know either because he frustrated the hell out of her, but underneath his gruff exterior, he had a heart of gold.  She didn’t mind that he had some really old-fashioned ideas, and that he would take her over his knee if she got out of line or displeased him in some way.  Hell, sometimes he didn’t even have an excuse other than it pleased him and it didn't bother her a bit.  He also provided her with a fine house, clothing and jewelry most women drooled over, vacations in the best places and great sex. Most important of all, he loved her to distraction and would never so much as think of looking at another woman.  When Ben Jr. fiancée said she hoped he didn’t turn out like his father, Livvy was well, how to say it, livid.

“You would do well to take back that statement, Penny.  Ben Jr. could learn a thing or two from his father when it comes to how to handle a woman.”  Penny was shocked.  How can that be?

Penny quickly apologized.  She couldn’t believe Livvy was standing up for Ben Sr; he scared the bejeesus out of her and always seemed to be grousing over something. There were times even Benjy admitted he didn’t know how his mother stood it all these years.  Ben Sr. was hard on Ben Jr., it was the only way he knew how to be. It didn’t mean he didn’t love him, but he wanted what was best for him and wanted him to be strong enough to stand up to what the world would dish out. That was how he was raised and so that was how he raised Ben Jr.. He left the molly coddling to Livvy – that was her strong suit.  He was proud of the man Ben Jr. had become; he was a good lawyer and a fine man. If he had one bugaboo about his son, it was Penelope (Penny) Dodge Miller.  The only child of Amy Dodge and Forrest Miller, she was spoiled and pampered to distraction. Born to them late in life, they indulged her every whim and now, although fully grown and supposedly an adult, she still acted as a bratty ten-year-old.  What she needed was a damn good spanking, actually more than one and probably regularly.   He wished there was a way he could mentally transmit that information to Ben Jr.

When Livvy and Ben were in bed that night, Livvy told him about Penny’s statement. He shook his head and asked Livvy if she could somehow convince Ben Jr. that he was making a mistake to marry Penny, at least until she grew up a little.

“How could I do that.  You know how headstrong he is, he takes after his father.  He loves her and doesn’t see how immature she is.  Maybe once she gets away from her parents things will be different.”

“You know they won’t.  Ben will give her anything she wants.”

“Isn’t that what you do with me, give me anything I want.”

“Yes, but sometimes if you want too much, I give you something you don’t want. That’s what I want you to communicate to our son.”

“I can’t tell him to spank her.”

“No, I suppose you can’t, but it would be good for him if you could.”  He snuggled up to her and kissed her goodnight.


For days afterward, Livvy continued to think about the conversation she and her husband had about Penny and Ben Jr.  She thought about books she could suggest, or movies and there wasn’t anything she could come up with that she thought would even get Ben Jr. thinking in that direction.  They were coming to dinner the following Friday, and maybe she could think of something by then.

She need not have worried.  When Ben arrived for dinner, he was solo.  Naturally, Livvy asked Penny’s whereabouts.

“She’s not coming.  Something happened this week, and we’re not together anymore.”

“Even though I’m dying to know, I’m not going to ask any questions.”

“Let me get a drink, and I’ll tell you about it.  I have some questions for you and dad anyway.”

He fixed himself a drink.  He walked to the kitchen and took out a chair.  Livvy was making a salad, and his dad was getting ready to light the barbecue.

“I heard you tell your mother you and Penny aren’t together anymore.  I don’t think that’s such a terrible thing.  She was nothing but a spoiled little girl masquerading as an adult.”

“Why don’t you tell me what you really think, Dad?”  He chuckled and Ben Sr. joined him in the joke.

“I did not mean to let all that fly out like that.  But, the truth wins out every time, doesn’t it?  So any chance of a reconciliation?”

“It’s totally up to her.  However, if we get back together, we will be on a level playing field, and I won’t be dancing to her tune anymore.”

“Truth be told, son, it’s better if you’re on the pitcher’s mound, and she is on the level field.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well, the pitcher’s mound is slightly higher than the rest of the field.  In any relationship, someone has to be the leader and someone the follower.  Equal playing fields lead to impasse and discord if both parties don’t agree.  Someone has to have the final say.”

“You’re right.  I’ll keep that in mind if she ever comes to her senses.”

“So are you going to tell us what happened?”

“This is a little embarrassing for both of us, but…you know Penny can be a little demanding.  The Brinker case has me putting in some horrendous hours to get ready for the trial date.  Last Tuesday, Penny and I were supposed to have dinner with her parents. We planned for her to meet me at the office and go in one car.  When she got to the office, I was on the phone with Jess Brinker wrapping up some last-minute details.  Penny was upset that I wasn’t ready and kept looking at her watch and then me.  When the phone conversation continued, I excused myself for a moment, put my hand over the phone and told her to go on without me, that I would catch up later.  She became apoplectic and started carrying on that work meant than her and in her rage disconnected the call.

It was the end of a very long day, and I had it.  I grabbed her, pulled her down across my lap and spanked her bottom with the ruler that was sitting on my desk.  I don’t know what came over me, but I ignored her pleas and just kept wailing away.  I think maybe it was for all the times I wanted to spank her, but stayed my hand.  She was carrying on something fierce when my assistant walked in the door to see if anything was wrong.  Needless to say, I stopped spanking Penny but not before Jane had an eyeful.  Penny jumped up, took off her ring and threw it at me and ran out the door.  I haven’t heard from her since.  For all I know, I may need to hire you to defend me, Dad.  Would that be a conflict of interest?   Anyway, that’s the story.”

Livvy and Ben Sr. shared a look but didn’t say a word until Ben Jr. asked their opinion. Ben Sr. spoke first.  “Son, I think you have exhibited great restraint in not paddling her bottom long before this.  Something was bound to happen eventually.  Forrest and Amy have been much too indulgent.  Maybe this will teach her a lesson and if she doesn’t come back to you, then you will be better off in the long run.  That may sound harsh but better now than later.”

“I have to tell you, I agree.  It was bound to happen.  What do you think mom?”

“I agree with your dad.”  She didn’t want to say too much and hoped he didn’t ask any more questions.


They were ready to sit down to dinner, when the doorbell rang.  Ben Sr. answered and was shocked to see Penny standing there.

“Good Evening, Ben.  Am I too late?”

Ben must have had a perplexed look on his face.  “I believe Benjy and I were invited to dinner tonight.  Was I wrong?”

See you later for more Aimless Ramblings.


  1. Hi Sunny, I think she will have to get used to this spanking lark!!
    great story!
    love Jan,xx

  2. What is wrong with Penny ?
    Benjy has been assaulted and insulted and humiliated her and she comes back?
    No, there must be something in the water they drink, where they

    Mona Lisa

    1. Mona, You make me laugh. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Ooh, love to be a fly on the wall at that dinner party! So Penny decided spanking wasn't so bad? LoL,

    Thanks for another wonderful story Sunny :)


  4. I really enjoyed this one! I love how you try different ideas! Great story and I want more!

  5. Hi Sunny, glad that you had a quiet and relaxing Easter weekend. Ours was the opposite, we had invited family and made an Easter egg hunt with my nieces. So, lots of noise and chocolate eggs on this side of the pond.

    I love this story. Penny knows exactly why she came back. It seems that Benjy was the first ever to set limits to her bratty ways. So, I guess they will have a lot of talking to do and this could be the beginning of a happy and loving relationship. Is this part of a longer story? That would be great.



    1. It was nice Nina. Yours may have been loud and noisy but it still sounds like it was terrific.

      It may be part of a story,not sure yet.

  6. Maybe Penny realized she had a real man rather than someone she could run over and that's what brought her back. You tease me about aways wanting more - you need to quit tempting me.

  7. Loved the story Sunny. Very interested in seeing where this one goes. If Ben Jr takes Penny back, I think she needs another spanking for throwing the ring and stomping out. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...

    1. Not sure where it's going Cat. We'll have to see.

  8. Another wonderful one SG. Thanks. I do love your characters.



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