Sunday, April 19, 2015

All in One Package

We're either in Texas or very close.  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Hope you enjoy the story.
(REVISED:  We're here at the lake.  Beautiful sunrise this morning - a little chilly though.)

Loaded down with boxes and packages, she was successfully juggling them until bumping into somebody.  The next thing she knew, she found herself on her butt, lying on the sidewalk, with her packages all around her. 

A tanned hand with long fingers and perfectly manicured nails extended to assist her in getting up.  She took the hand as her eyes began at leather loafers and traveled up miles of khaki pants to an oxford cloth button down shirt under a blue blazer.  Reaching his face, she almost fell back down.  He was the most gorgeous male specimen she had ever seen. 

Looking at his tanned face, with impeccably cut chestnut brown hair, clear blue eyes, chiseled chin and full lips, gave her a moment’s pause.  “Did I hit my head and this is all a dream, if it is, may I never wake up.”

From somewhere she thought she heard voice.

“Are you hurt?” The well-modulated voice matched the rest of the vision.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“No, or you don’t know.”

Focusing proved difficult and she continued to stare at this beautiful man. 

He repeated in a sterner tone, “no, or you don’t know.”

“I had a soft landing, so to speak. I can’t imagine anything else being hurt. My parcels may not have been as lucky.” She smiled and he treated her to an ear to ear smile showing unbelievably white teeth, as perfect as the rest of him.

“Thank you and I’m sorry for bumping into to you,” she told him.  “I’m Denise McMillan.”  She still hadn’t let go of his hand, and noticed he wasn’t wearing any rings but a shiny gold bracelet showed beneath the sleeve of his blazer.  “Surely if he is wearing a bracelet, he would wear a wedding ring if, wouldn’t he?

Not a problem." She finally let go of his hand and he started to collect the packages.

“You’re carrying way too many.  Can I help you get where you’re going so you don’t have any more accidents?  It’s not safe being so bogged down you don’t have a free hand, as well as not being able to see around all the parcels.”

“I’m on my way back to work.  I guess I got a little carried away on my shopping excursion.  So many bargains today.”

“Where do you work?”

“Over there, at Bennington and Brooks.” She pointed to a building across the street. I’m a Paralegal.”

“You were going to cross the street without a clear vision of traffic.  You need a lesson in safety.  If I were your husband, I would teach you that lesson.”

She blushed.  “I’m not married but I don’t know what you mean.”

“Just as well, Ms. McMillan.”  All the packages were either in his hand or hers and they waited for the light before crossing.  Thinking he would leave her at the building, he surprised her by asking if she parked in the garage.

She answered yes and he walked to the parking spot along with her.  She deposited the packages in the trunk and once again apologized and thanked him for his assistance.

“You’re welcome, Ms. McMillan.  I hope the next time you get “carried away” you give a thought to your safety.” 

He walked away and she realized he never even told her his name. 


Denise walked the same route every day for the next two weeks, hoping to bump into Lancelot once more.  Since her rescuer never gave her his name, she named him Lancelot. He had certainly been her knight in shining armor.

Imagine her surprise when, one month later, she walked into a deposition hearing at her office and saw Lancelot sitting at the conference table.  He nodded to her and smiled as Mr. Wilkins introduced everyone.  She wasn’t sure if he remembered her or if he was only being cordial.  “At least now I know his name,” she thought to herself.

When the deposition concluded, the participants filed out of the conference room, Mr. Dillon Montgomery among them. 

“Hello, Ms. McMillan.  Any shopping expeditions lately?” he asked.  “So he does remember me.”

“Not lately.” Her boss, Mr. Wilkins heard the exchange and asked if they knew each other.

"No, I accidently bumped into Lancelot, I mean Mr. Montgomery and spilled packages everywhere.  He graciously helped me retrieve them and carried them to my car.” When Dillon heard the word Lancelot, there was a slight upward curve of his lips.

“That’s fine then, because I didn’t want anyone being able to point fingers and claim ‘conflict of interest.’

A couple of months later, a small bouquet of flowers, along with a card, were sitting on her desk when she returned from lunch.

   Ms. McMillan,

   Now that the case is settled, I would like to invite you to have dinner with me on
  Thursday evening.  My white horse and I will be waiting by the elevators at 6:00 PM,
  if you decide to accept my invitation.


Wow, not only is he beyond gorgeous with impeccable manners, but he has a great sense. of humor too.  There has to be something wrong with him - no one is that perfect.

Thursday couldn’t come soon enough.  The day seemed to drag on endlessly until her boss landed a large assignment on her desk.  So wrapped up in the project,  she lost track of time.  Someone yelled goodnight and when she looked up it was 5:55.  "Damn," she thought to herself, "I wanted to freshen up a bit.  Well, the least I can do is brush my teeth and put on some fresh lipstick.  So what if I’m a few minutes late. "

It was 6:10 when the elevator doors opened and she saw him standing there.  The first thing he did was look at his watch.  She noticed a touch of irritation on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

“Good evening, Ms. McMillan.”

“Good evening, Sir.  Where’s the horse?”

He looked perplexed for a moment and then gave her one of those ear to ear smiles.

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting but I lost track of time.”

“You’re forgiven this time, so long as it doesn’t happen again.”

“Why thank you kind Sir, for your leniency.” He smiled, but it wasn’t the same kind of smile.

He laced her arm in his and moved toward his car, which happened to be a white Mercedes E-Class (E for expensive) convertible. 

“What, no horse?” She asked.

“402 horses,” he replied.

Now she was the one looking perplexed.  “402 horsepower,” he replied.

They went to one of the nicer waterfront restaurants.  He was a good conversationalist in addition to all his other attributes and the evening was over all too soon.  When the bill came, she reached into her purse and handed over her credit card.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“For my half of the bill.”

“Put that away.  I’m quite sure Lancelot never required any of his ladies to split the bill.”

“This is a different time.”

“May be so, but if the men you’re dating are asking you to pay for your half, you’re dating the wrong kind of men.  If I invite you anywhere, I pay.  Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Why do you keep calling me sir?  It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s unusual in most circumstances.”

“I’m teasing you, Sir Lancelot.”

“And here I thought you were being submissive.”

“I can be.”

“I’m glad to hear that.  We’ll have to test your submissiveness one of these days.”

“Does that mean we’ll be seeing each other again?”

He smiled at her but didn’t give an answer.  He drove her back to the parking garage to pick up her car and then followed her home.  He gave her a chaste kiss at the door.  He didn’t set up another date even though she was sure they made a connection. ‘Oh well, it was nice being the object of his affection, if only for one night.’

The next day another bouquet of flowers arrived, along with another card.

Dear Ms. McMillan

 Thank you for a lovely evening.  I would like to see you again on Friday night?  I’ll be by to pick you up at your house at 7:00.  Don’t keep me waiting or else.

                                                                                  Sir Lancelot

She thought it was pretty arrogant of him to expect her to be available to him just because of his say so. What the hell did he mean by ‘or else’?  She would have a thing or two to tell Sir Lancelot on Friday.

Friday arrived and her doorbell rang promptly at 7:00 pm.  She went to the door, let him and told him she’d be ready in a jiff. .

“There’s a bottle of wine on the counter along with the corkscrew and a couple of glasses. Open it please and pour us a glass, will you, Sir?”  She was playing this to the hilt.

Dillon Montgomery had no intention of opening the bottle of wine.  He sat down and patiently waited for Denise.  When she came out of the bedroom, he noted on his stop watch she was twelve minutes late. 

“You didn’t open the wine.”

“No, I didn’t.  Do you remember me telling you I would pick you up promptly at seven and to be ready or else.”

“Yes, what’s with this ‘or else’ business.”

“I’ll tell you what’s with this ‘or else’ business.  Or else is you’re going to get a spanking for making me wait.  This is twice and I warned you.”

“You’ve got to be kidding?” She said to him even if the bravado was all show.  The word spanking literally opened a faucet in her nether regions.  She had always secretly hoped to meet a man that spanked.  To have this gorgeous man be a spanker too.  She couldn’t believe her luck.

“I assure you, I am not kidding.  This is me.  I think it’s you too unless I’ve missed my guess. If it’s not, then after tonight we can go our separate ways because it is in my DNA and I can’t imagine not disciplining naughty or disrespectful behavior.”

“Being late is not disrespectful.”

“Of course, it is.  I told you 7:00 and you came out at 7:12. That’s twelve minutes of my time wasted waiting for you.  Now come here.”

She looked at him as if he had two heads, but she went to him.  He pulled her over his lap and told her she would be getting twelve spanks – one for each minute she kept him waiting.  He lectured her on the importance of being on time, his hands caressing her bottom the entire time he lectured.  Her libido rose with each caress.  He stopped the caressing, smoothed out the sundress stretched across her bottom, when she felt the first crack of his hand.

“Ouch” she yelled at him.

“Oh settle down, I’m surprised you can even feel anything what with your panties and your dress muffling the effect.”

“Well, I can and if you doubt it, maybe I should spank you and see what you think?”

He chuckled. “Like that’s ever going to happen. Now hush and take your licks.”  He brought down his hand again and it hurt even more than the first one.  Before she even had a moment to process the pain, he spanked her four more times and she was sure her bottom was on fire.

“We’re halfway there girl.  You’re not going to make me wait again, are you?”

Apparently, he didn’t expect an answer and she was glad because she didn’t have one to give.  She was too busy holding her breath and trying not to cry.  He delivered four more licks in rapid succession.

“The next two are going to be the hardest of all.  Are you ready?”

She kicked her legs.  “Stop that now.  No kicking.”  She was quite sure he was spanking with something other than his hand because when the last two licks landed on her sit spots she almost jumped out of her skin.  They hurt like the dickens.

“There, we’re finished.  You can get up now.  We have to leave or we will miss our dinner reservations.  The show starts at 9:00.”

“Yes, Sir,” she told him as he squired her out the door - his hand resting on her burning bottom.

See you later for more Aimless Ramblings.


  1. Welcome back to the Lone Star State. Cute story. Will we be hearing more from these two?

    1. Thanks Rose - Who knows is the answer to your question.

  2. Hi Sunny, hope you and ray have a great time in Texas. Hope you write some more about these two!
    love Jan,xx

  3. Hi Sunny, hope you enjoy your time in Texas.

    Loved the story and also hope we hear more from these two :) loved Sir Lancelot:)


  4. I'm without a creative noodle in my cup o'noodles so I don't have any suggestions about where these two go, but I sure enjoyed the appetizer you the chef prepared. This is going to be a very good meal, even if Lancelot is 7'12" [!] and straight from special forces training. (Somewhat kidding.)
    with an internet delivered hug, Jon

    1. Glad you enjoyed the appetizer, don't know about dinner.

  5. Oh yea! I think he may be a keeper for her!
    Great one Sunny!

  6. Hi Sunny, this was awesome, I'd love to read more of what these two are up to, so I also hope that you write more about them. Thank you for this story, I loved it.



  7. Hey Sunny...happy you made it safely to Texas...hope you enjoy your time there. Thanks for another fun story! Do you have more of these two for us? Think they would make a lovely ongoing story. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...

    1. Yes, they would make a nice ongoing story. Are you going to write it? lol


Thanks for stopping by. Make it a Great Day