Monday, December 3, 2012

The Payback

This is a follow up to a story entitled Domestic Changes.

Norma had been trying to think of a way to get back at Carl since their anniversary party weeks ago.  She wanted whatever she chose to be very subtle and annoying but not something that would jeopardize her posterior. 

She and Carl were doing the laundry as usual when the idea struck her.  She always emptied the hamper, separated the laundry into piles, loaded the washing machine and put the washed loads into the dryer while he removed them from the dryer, folded, put away his things and left the rest for Norma.  She decided each wash day she would remove a piece of his clothing and hide it somewhere and then gradually replace it a piece at a time.

Norma had been doing this for the last four weeks when Carl asked her if she had gathered all of the laundry.  She replied she had emptied the hamper and inquired why he was asking.  He told her he seemed to be missing some underwear. 

“Honey, are you sure you put everything into the hamper, because it is empty now” Norma replied.

“Yes, I’m sure” he answered.

“Have you checked the dryer to make sure you took everything out?”

“Yes, I did that too and I even checked the washer to see if anything was left in there”
“I don’t know what to say” said Norma with a smirk.

In the following weeks, Norma left the underwear alone and started removing one sock.  When he got to the point where he had six pairs of socks which didn’t have mates, he once again confronted Norma with the conversation about the hamper being emptied.  She gave him all the same answers.

Norma had all she could do to keep from busting out laughing as he stood there and shook his head.

The next item Norma removed each time was one of his tee shirts.  His supply kept dwindling and when he went to get his favorite and it was among the missing he knew something very strange was going on and he was pretty sure who was perpetrating this mischief. He decided that two could play this game.  During the course of the next several weeks, Norma was missing a black bra, a nightie, a pair of yoga pants and her favorite thermal throw. 

When her throw didn’t show up in the laundry to be folded she asked Carl if he had already put it away.  He replied that no he had only put away his things.  Norma knew she washed it and then it dawned on her that the jig was up and Carl was toying with her.  Now she was angry.  How dare he think to beat me at my own game? She asked herself.   Well, we will just see about this.

She decided she would not say a word.  She was pretty sure he would cave first. 

One day, months later, she came across her favorite throw in the storage locker under the Christmas decorations.  She brought it in and placed it on its place on the back of the couch.  She never said a word but she noticed the surprised look on his face when he spied it back where it belonged.

“So you found it, did you” he said to her.

“Yes, it was the darndest thing, it was under the Christmas decorations in the storage locker.  I can’t imagine how it got there”.

“You know, damn well how it got there.  I put it there when you kept stealing my clothes”

“I never stole your clothes, Carl.  How could you accuse me of that?  I do not steal”.

“Maybe steal is too harsh a word, how about purloined?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about” and with that she turned back to walk into the bedroom.

“Don’t you turn your back on me when I am still talking to you”, Carl said. Norma kept walking with a mere glance over her shoulder and a smirk on her face.

That was enough for Carl.  He followed her and when he caught up he gave her four sharp slaps on her behind.  Her response was not what he expected.  She just turned and gave him the coldest stare she could muster.  That look had always worked with Fred and he would back off.  Carl, however, was not Fred.  Carl knew what she wanted and also what she needed.  She couldn’t fool him.  Since that first spanking she was always trying to purposely annoy him.  She huffed and puffed about it for days but he knew she really enjoyed the spanking.  She enjoyed the “tension” between them – she was spunky and he loved that about her and their life.

He had not taken her across his knee since their anniversary months ago.  A couple of swats here and there but no real spanking but that was going to end right now.  He didn’t care if he was giving her just what she wanted, she was going to feel his irritation.  His palm had been itching for weeks and it was going to get scratched.

He grabbed hold of her and held on while he lectured.

“I want my clothes back and I want this ridiculous game to stop”

“I don’t know what you are talking about”

“You keep it up and the punishment for lying will be added to the one for stealing.  Now go get my clothes and bring them to me”

“I told you I have no idea what you are talking about”

“Okay, we’ll see about that”.  He propelled her into the bathroom, grabbed the bar of soap and held it to her mouth.

“Last chance” he said.  She remained quiet.  He took that bar of soap and pushed it against her closed mouth.  When he was finally able to get it past her lips he ground it into her teeth.  She started sputtering them but he wouldn’t let up. 

“Will you go get my clothes, now” he said.  She shook her head yes.  He told her to bring them to him.  She headed to the sink and he pulled her back, no rinsing until I get my clothes he told her.  He gave her a sharp slap on her butt and pushed her away from the sink. Seconds later she handed him a plastic bag filled with his missing items.  He thanked her and told her she could go rinse her mouth. She literally ran to the bathroom.  When she came into the bedroom, he took her by the arm, pulled down her jeans and panties and placed her over his lap.

After he tucked her into him and gave her the first slap, he told her to hang on.  He told her he was going to spank the hell out of her but first he wanted to know why she started that silly laundry game in the first place.  She told him it was payback. 

“Payback for what” he asked.

“You were smirking at me when we went to the anniversary party.  You saw me wincing trying to get comfortable on those hard chairs and you just kept smirking.  I vowed you were going to pay.

“Well, you’re going to pay now Missy” and with that he began laying into her butt. He peppered her backside and thighs and after the third circuit he stopped for a moment to let her catch her breath. She started to get up, he laid his hand on her back and told her he was not done yet.  He picked up the bathbrush and painted her backside a bright red.   When he was finally finished, he let her up.  She was a crying mess and he brought her to him and held her.  She cried into his shoulder as he rubbed her back. When she finally settled down, he placed her on the bed, tummy side down, covered her with the throw and told her to stay there and rest.  He would be back in a little while.

When he returned he had a tray with two glasses of wine and a bottle of aloe lotion.  He rubbed the lotion into her scalded behind and then rolled her over.  She winced when she sat up and he offered her the glass of wine. He tried very hard not to smirk knowing that is what had started this whole episode.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry, Carl.  It seemed like such a good way to get even at the time.  Then you started taking my things and it just escalated from there”.

“I hope you finally realize that I am not Fred.  I am not going to be a pushover and cater to your every mood or dance to your tune.  I expect you to act like a grown up.  Any drastic deviation from that course will result in your getting spanked.  Is that understood”.

“Yes, dear, I understand”.

He put down the glass of wine and held her in his arms, “That’s my good girl”, he said.