Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are You Sure?

Okay, PK posted this on her site today.  She said it had gone 'round before but it had been a while.  I think it's cute and decided to play along.  The only rules are you must answer yes and only explain if you are asked. Not as easy as it might be w/o those explanations we always seem to have.  LOL

Taken a picture naked? Yes
Made money illegally? No
Had a one night stand? Yes
Been in a fist fight? No
Slept with your best friend? Yes
Had sex in a public place? Yes
Ditched work to have sex? Yes
Slept with a member of the same sex? Yes
Seen someone die? Yes
Ran from the police? Yes
Woke up somewhere and not remember how you got there? Yes

Worn your partners unmentionables? Yes

Fallen asleep at work? Yes

Used toys in the bedroom? Yes

Ran a red light? Yes

Been fired? Yes

Been in a car accident? Yes
Pole danced or done a striptease? Yes
Loved someone you shouldn't? Yes
Sang karaoke? No
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes
Laughed so hard you peed your pants? Yes
Caught someone having sex? No
Kissed a perfect stranger? No
Shaved your partner? No
Given your private parts a nickname? No
Ever gone in public without underwear? Yes
Had sex on a roof top? No
Played chicken? No
Mooned/flashed someone? Yes
Do you sleep naked? Yes
Blacked out from drinking? No
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Had sex more than 5 times in one day? No
Been with someone because they were in a band? No
Taken 10 shots of liquor in a day? No
Shot a gun? Yes
Gone outside naked? Yes

This was fun.  See you later for more Aimless Ramblings.


  1. I love a meme so will have to do this one.

    I wonder how many people give their private parts a knickname:)


  2. eek. it would take me too long to think up the answers... and some of them DEFINITELY need clarification... so it's hard without the chance to do that!! thanks for sharing.

    1. Think of it as a lie detecter test. Yes/no - maybe no one will ak for clarification. LOL

  3. very fun...I realized I am not a yes or no person because for every question I was thinking how I would answer and a few are just not yes/no...sometimes/depends/what age/define more...
    :-) thanks for sharing

    1. We only have to give clarifications if asked. You know there is always an explanation.

  4. Hey Sunny, I tried it too. My answers are boring. I want to hear your explanations! I am sure you and others have some great stories. FUN.

    1. I'll be happy to answer. Which ??? require my explanation. Lol

  5. Sunnygirl, to answer the above: just start at the top and work your way down. I'm sure you can give us a great story for each line.

  6. Bas, I'll answer the first question. You see the picture every time you visit my blog. It was taken on a balcony high atop the Rainbow Tower in Honolulu. As with the answers to most of the questions, it was loooong ago in a land far far away. LOL

  7. These are fun to read...and like everyone has said, definitely lead to more questions!

  8. sunnygirl,
    I never would have picked you for being one to have run from the police lol. Do tell...?

    1. Ok Lil - the first time I was pretty young (like maybe 10) and playmates and I were playing in an abandoned house and we all scattered like the wind. None of us were caught.
      Second time - I was older but not yet 21 and police raided a drinking party and once again I ran and was not caught.
      Third time - we had a garden and police were all over the place and when they came to the door I pretended I wasn't home. Once again, they were looking for someone else. Since that was the third time I figured I better not press my luck anymore and I've been good ever since. (Well, good is a relative term, is it not?).

      There you have my life of crime.

  9. Sunny,
    I just feel like I have the enhanced picture of you in my mind, a gun toting flasher who runs red lights on her way home to have sex when she should be at work! Shocking!
    Just kidding - sunny I loved it -
    Thanks, I will try

    1. I don't know Lillie, I kind of like that image. Definitely more interesting that the little old lady from Pasadena.

  10. I would say it sound like you've had an exciting life - but I happen to know that you are STILL experiencing an exciting life. You go girl!


    1. Thanks PK. Not as exciting as it once was but then I'm not sure this heart could stand it.

  11. So... which of your partner's unmentionables have you worn? lol

    1. Hubby's whitey tighties once on a camping trip. LOL

  12. Interesting answers sunnygirl - you answered the question I had about running from the police. Dang - I thought it was going to be something really wild. ;-)


    1. Actually, I kinda liked Lil's thoughts of a gun totin gun moll ala Bonnie Parker. The closest I've come is that I've been to the town in which she was born and my sister's name is Bonnie. LOL

  13. These were good questions, and I enjoyed imagining the stories behind some of your answers! ;-)

    I can't reciprocate and play with this meme on my own non-existent blog, but I don't have many "no" answers to the above. If you don't mind this blogless wonder asking for clarification... What did you do, that you told yourself you wouldn't?


    P.S. Thank you, Sunny, for your kind words on an earlier post of yours, about liking my comments about your techno challenges.

  14. Oh Irishey, the list is long, right off the top here are a few
    I would never own a stick shift car
    I would never move back east after living in the west
    I would never live in Florida
    I would never live in an RV
    I would never have anal sex
    I would never tell my daughter "because I said so" and so many of the other phrases I heard while growing up.
    I would never eat raw fish

    I'm sure there are many many more but right now that's all I can think of. I am a work in progress.


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