Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday Tidbits

Hola -  There have been a couple of people working here and one speaks no English.  I thought maybe I might be able to communicate with my extremely limited Spanish, laughing at myself here.  I find that I know words but cannot seem to put them together to either understand or speak.  Our version of sign langauge seems to work when there is no translator around.  

Has anyone else noticed how good the peaches are this year?  I have gone literally whole summers without ever tasting a good peach.  This year, everyone I've tasted has been delish. Hope I didn't just put the whammy on myself.

Would love to hear this but life is pretty vanilla - too hot and sticky for anything else.  When we were younger, it didn't seem to be a problem.  Now it doesn't seem like it's worth the trouble.  I hate that I just said that but it's true, guess that's bound to happen after forty-four years together. We'll get our funk back on when it cools down, at least I hope so.

Nothing much else going on, just wanted to post something.  Enjoy this little tidbit. Thought it was worth sharing.

  See you later for more Aimless Ramblings


  1. Leigh,
    This put a smile on my face at the end of the day. The peaches this summer are heavenly. I agree.

  2. Guess i have to stop and buy some peaches. I need to mememoize number 6...
    hugs abby

    1. I hope they are as good. I just bought more today, keeping my fingers crossed. As for #6, ain't it the truth.

  3. Hi Sunny,

    It's too early for peaches here, but we have delicious strawberries aplenty.


    1. Strawberries are good too and hope the peaches are when they're in season there.

  4. Hi Sunny, love the pic and 7 cardinal rules. I definitely need to work on No 6!


  5. Hope that things cool down for you soon, Sunny! :). It's been so sticky and humid lately around these parts as well.

    I saw peaches on sale at the grocery store yesterday. I almost got some but in the past, they have been so mealy, I decided not to get them. Maybe I'll pick some up and see- I do love a good peach!

    I like your 7 rules as well. And like some others above, number 6 needs my attention as well. Stay cool! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I hope if you do get some they're good. It's the first time in years, I swear.

      #6 seems to be a problem for all of us.

  6. Hi Sunny, sorry it's too hot for fun and games. Be better when it's cooler. It's even hot here at the moment. I don't imagine it will last long but that blue sky is lovely to see for a while.
    love Jan,xx

    1. Hope the weather holds for you. Today, it's rainy and cooler, it won't last but it's nice while it does.

  7. Hey Sunny...the peaches have been awesome here also...getting read to go grab one for breakfast. Sorry it is too hot for fun and games with Ray...I do not tolerate heat well and the older I get, the worse I get. Hopefully you will get some cooler weather soon. The 7 Cardinal Rules is one of my simple but so hard. Stay cool!

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I bought some more peaches today - hope they're as good as they've been.

      Cooler here today and tomorrow, but not supposed to last.

  8. I too love the rules pic. Thanks, Sunny Girl


  9. thanks for the tidbits to make us smile :-) I guess I will have to go get a peach somewhere...

  10. I work on a farm, and we just got peaches in. Can't WAIT to try them--they are always so delicious where I live!

    1. You're so lucky Autumn, they are not always delicious when you purchase them in stores.

  11. I love peaches! Now I need to get some!
    6 is what makes me and those around me crazy. I've been told to stop thinking! Lol


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