Monday, February 18, 2013

It's a Rainy Night in Georgia

‘It's A Rainy Night in Georgia’ was playing on the radio as I drove down the road on a rainy night.   I should have left earlier but I was having so much fun.  With a little luck I would still beat him home.  His plane wasn’t due in until 12:30 am so by the time he got his luggage and got to the car he shouldn’t be home til around 2:00 am.  He knew I was going out tonight and his last instructions to me were to watch the drinking and be home before midnight.  We were having such a good time that the midnight curfew seemed so childish I guess I just blew it off.  After all, my very best friend was leaving to take a job overseas and I wouldn’t be seeing her for a long time. 

I heard the beeper go off on my phone indicating a text message.  I knew I shouldn’t have even attempted to read it but temptation was just too great and I reached for my purse.  The phone was in the front pocket for easy access.  I reached across for my purse and it fell over emptying the contents on the floor.  My phone among them.  I was trying to reach over to grab it and I accidentally swerved the car to the right.  My tire caught and into the ditch I went.  That damned ditch. Fortunately, or unfortunately, a police car pulled up right behind me.  I don’t know if he had seen the whole thing or was just cruising his beat.  I rolled down the window as he approached. I was fishing in the glove box for the registration and insurance card when he shined the flashlight right into my eyes.

“Can you please redirect the stream of light” I asked politely.

He moved the beam slightly to the right so that it was not directly in my eyes.

“Sorry, are you hurt” he asked.  I told him I was fine and handed him the information I already had in my hand.

“Your driver’s license too please”, he asked.

This was going to be a problem.  My license expired on my birthday last month and I didn’t have a new one.  I sent it in but forgot to include the check so it was returned to me and I still had not gotten around to it. Another nail in my coffin when Colin found out.

“This license has expired, do you have your new one?” the policeman asked.

I started to explain and he just waved me off.  “I guess the answer is no then”.  That must have been when he smelled the alcohol on my breath or he suspected that might be the case because of the hour.

“Can you step out of the car please” he directed me.

This was not as easy as it might appear because the right side of the car was stuck in the ditch making the left side on an upward angle. I tried getting out just as my boot heel caught in the brake pedal and practically fell out of the car onto the pavement.  He reached over to assist me.  When I was finally on my own two feet he told me to place my hands on the roof of the car.  There I am standing there like a criminal while he is running my expired license and registration.  Out of the corner of my eye I see him walking over to me with some sort of contraption in his hand.  Then I realized what it was, OMG it was a breathalyzer.  I am so in trouble now I thought to myself. 

He told me that before he administered the test I could agree to take a sobriety test.  I knew that was my only chance so I agreed.  It was the usual, touch your nose and head, dadadadada.  Then I had to walk a straight line backward.  This is a problem for me.  I don’t even walk a straight line forward but I gave it my all.  Apparently, when my heel caught it must have cracked because when I attempted the backward stroll it broke all the way through and I lost my balance and fell down.  What else could possibly go wrong I thought to myself.  The policeman helped me up and I see a car slowing down and pulling over in front of us.  The car looks just like Colin’s. Oh no, please Dear God, it can’t be.  My hand automatically slid back to cover my rear end. 

The car door opens and out steps Colin who begins walking toward us.  The policeman asked him to please not come any further and if there is anything he can do to help him.  Colin looks right past the policeman and straight at me.  His eyes are blazing and he has this look on his face that tells me I am dead meat.

I say hello to Colin and he asks me in the frostiest tone of voice. “What is going on here Caroline and why are you not home?”

The policeman says “I take it you know this woman”. 

Colin responds that yes, he knows her, that she is his wife.  The policeman then begins to give him all the details of the encounter.  As I listen to the exchange I begin to laugh because it really is a comedy of errors.

Colin looks over at me and says you think this is funny.  Well, have your fun now because once I get you home you won’t think it’s too funny.  My laughter dies in an instant. 

Now the policeman is in a quandary.  He doesn’t know how to proceed.  He finally told Colin and me that he would issue a ticket for careless driving because I was going to fast on a wet road and lost control of the car as well as driving without a valid license; but that he would not press forward with a DUI or a DWI because it was unproven.  He told Colin he would have to have the car towed because they couldn’t leave it there and he couldn’t allow her to drive because she didn’t have a license.

By this time I don’t even want to look at Colin because he is so angry I think there was actually steam coming out of his ears.  I hear him on the phone to AAA and hear that it will be at least another thirty minutes before the tow truck can get there.  The policeman’s radio went off then and he asked them if they would be alright if he responded to this call.  I was silently begging Colin to say he would prefer it if he stayed but to no avail. 

“No, you go ahead Officer.  I can handle things from here.  Thank you so much for your understanding” Colin replies

In the smallest voice I could muster, I also thanked the officer.

By now we are both like drenched rats and Colin ushers me over to his car to wait.  He placed his hand on the small of my back which always gives me the shivers anyway because to me it is such a sign of dominance and control but tonight it is especially so.  When he closed the door and went around to the other side to get I had to fight my instinct to not lock the door.  I was so not looking forward to this conversation. 

“Welcome home sweetheart” I tell him in my still small voice.  “I missed you”.

“Thank you Caroline. It is good to be home.  I missed you too but I don’t think you are going to be so happy to see me once I get you home.  You are only lucky that I have this time to calm down before we get there”.

We sat there in silence until the tow truck arrived.  I started to get out of the car and was told in no uncertain terms to stay put.  I did as I was told and asked him to please get my purse from the front seat and to check on the floor for any of the contents that may have spilled out including my phone. 

“Is that why the car ended up in the ditch, Caroline?”  I didn’t want to answer but my silence must answered for me.

“I see” he said.

Once everything was taken care of and Colin stepped back into the car we began the drive home.  Silence ensued but I felt myself getting warmer.  It must be my exaggeration or my nerves she thought to herself.  After about ten minutes she was pretty uncomfortable and was squirming around in her seat.

“Are you having a problem, Caroline?”  Colin asked.

I told him I was getting pretty warm and that perhaps he should turn down the heat.  He told me that I was the only one getting warm because he had turned up the heat in my seat.  He said this way I would be warmed up for what I had coming when we got home.

“Oh” I replied.

The drive seemed to take longer than the usual thirty minutes in some ways but in other ways it was not nearly long enough.  He parked the car in the garage and came around to open the door for me.  He told me to go directly to the bedroom and get out of my wet things. Once again I did as I was told.  I had just removed the last of my clothing when he came in. He turned on the shower and told me to get in, he would be ready for me when I came out.  Before I even had a chance to dry off completely, he was on me like white on rice. He led me over to the bed and began the lecture.  He told me that tonight’s spanking was just a preliminary and I could expect another spanking tomorrow when I told him the full story.  He explained that he was too tired tonight but I had to know how disappointed he was with my behavior.  That statement made me feel worse than the spanking I knew I would be getting tonight and tomorrow.

He put me across his knee and began spanking my ass.  I was still wet from the shower so the sting seemed to be so much greater. Just when I thought it was over and started to get up he reminded me that he was the judge of when I had enough and it wasn’t yet.  That’s when I heard the whoosh of air just before the belt hit my already smarting bottom.  After five licks or so, I was a crying mess and he stopped.  He picked me up and put me under the covers and kissed me goodnight.

“Until morning”, he said.  “Sleep well”.