Monday, July 8, 2019

Are YOU?

Saw this on FB this morning.  Think I may have seen it before but today I'm being a little nostalgic.  Today would have been my mom's birthday - she died 26 years ago but this October I'm reaching the age she was when she passed.  It's scary and makes me realize just how precious are the memories we often just throw away. Savor the memories because they are all too fleeting.

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  1. Oh God!! I am old!! I remember all of theses plus when television first came to our city. I was 6 years old, the tv was 12 inch, one channel only operating a few hours daily, in glorious black and white!!

    1. I am old too. I do remember all of them. I wouldn't trade it though.

  2. All I can say is that at least I don't remember everyone of them. But I remember most. Happy birthday thoughts for your mom.

  3. As Wolfman said, I am old!! I remember all of them except party lines, newsreels, and tableside juke boxes. I am presently writing a short story and have included several of the above.

    What about a wringer washer?

    Hugs From Ella

    1. I can't wait to read that short story. I don't remember wringer washers - we lived in an apartment in the city and the laundry room had front loader washer.

  4. Sunny,
    I remember the first half. As Ella mentioned the wringer washer, I remember getting my hand smashed in my grandma's and having to go to the ER. I was ok. LOL I was in high school when we got our first microwave and our first VCR. We were always messing with tin foil on the rabbit ears of the television for 2 quality stations and the other 2 were fuzz!

    Best wishes for you to have fond memories of your mom today. Hugs, Windy

    1. My grandma had one of those heavy convertible sofas and one night I had a sleepover and decided I could close it up myself - guess what I caught a portion of my leg - the scar remains today. Lessons we learned the hard way.

  5. I remember all but seven, that I think may not have crossed the Pond to the UK. We had black jacks but they were chews, not chewing gum. I’m definitely old!
    Rosie xx

    1. I would love to hear some of the things you experienced on the other side of the pond. It would be fun to compare.

  6. Great to see you post Sunny. Oh my, I remember a number of these, especially home milk delivery in glass bottles and tv closdown (Google goodnight kiwi).

    I hope you have many precious memories of your Mom today.


    1. Thanks Roz. I've turned into one of those lurkers. Thanks for the thoughts for my mom.

  7. For us in the North, the milk would freeze in winter if we didn't bring it in right away, and the frozen milk would push up through the top, making a creamsicle. The milk wasn't homogenized so the cream was always on top and you had to shake the bottle before pouring.

    Whenever we went shopping across the border in the US, I always bought Teaberry and Black Jack gum, and those wax bottles of soft drinks.

    Thanks for the memories!


    1. The milk was put in a wooden box outside the door. I would love to be the first to open because I would pour into a glass before shaking and get most of that cream. Can you even buy pasturized milk any more?
      I love going down memory lane. Thanks for visiting.

  8. Hi Sunny -

    I guess I am younger than I think! I remember a few of these but based on where we lived (socialeconmic) vs the time. For example, we had the soda machines with glass bottles at the gas station and the convenience store because they waited so long to upgrade. We had party lines on the phones for years because our part of town was last to get upgraded as well. When I left home at 18 we still had a BW TV not because color hadn't been invented, but because that was all my parents had.

    Hugs while you remember your Mom. I can relate fully to that.


    1. It's so true about the region in which you lived. While I grew up in a city, my husband's area was more rural. When he mentioned some of his memories I couldn't believe how different they were.
      Thanks for stopping by.


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