Hank Caldwell was mending fences along the road
when a horse and rider flew by him. He didn’t pay much attention at first, but
something caught his eye and he realized it was the horse’s rein trailing on
the ground, leaving the rider in peril.
Running to his truck and starting after them, he wished he was on
horseback instead of in the truck because he wasn’t sure how he was going to
rescue the rider. He only hoped he could help before the rider fell or the
horse’s hooves got tangled in the trailing reins. As he neared them and then
rode ahead, he jumped out of the truck and stood by the side yelling at her to
jump into his arms. He could see and
understood the fear on her face, but it was her only chance. She couldn’t bring herself to do it and they
streaked past him. Running back to the
truck and getting ahead of them again, he stopped and stood on the side and
waited so he could try again. Mickey’s
was so scared, afraid of falling and being trampled, afraid of dropping to the
ground, but her fear of staying on the horse was greater. This time, she jumped
and he caught her. She was trembling and
he was glad because maybe she wouldn’t feel him trembling too. He’d been afraid he wouldn’t be able to grab
and hang on to her and that she would fall and get hurt, but he prevailed.
“Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not okay.”
She was still in his arms and he
put her down and hugged her to him. He ran his hand down her spine and
continued that slow comforting glide.
She focused on his hands and the strength in arms. He kept rubbing her
back as, in a soft voice, he crooned she was safe and the ordeal over into her
ear, and finally felt her stop shaking.
“I think so. I was so scared.”
“I bet you were; I was scared for
“Where did you come from? I didn’t see anybody.”
“I’m not surprised - you were
going so fast. I was back down there
aways, mending fences when you whipped by.
At first I didn’t pay attention, but then I saw the left rein dragging
on the ground. It’s a wonder it didn’t
get tangled in the horse’s leg. What the
hell happened?”
“Bella and I were just out for an
afternoon ride when a snake spooked her and she took off. Before I could get her under control, a tree
branch grazed my arm and caused me to drop the rein. I didn’t know what to do after that, I just
closed my eyes and prayed and held on as tight as I could.”
“You’re sure you’re not hurt?”
“Shaken and my bones rattled but
okay, thanks to you. By the way, I’m
Mickey Chandler.
“Pleased to meet you Mickey
Chandler, I’m Hank Caldwell.” He offered
his hand and she laughed.
“What’s funny?”
“You offering your hand, a few
moments ago you were giving me a hug, I liked that better. OMG ,
did I just say that out loud?”
“Yes, you did say that out loud but
guess what, I liked it better too,” giving her a smile showing sparkling white
teeth set off by his tanned skin and sky blue eyes. “So Mickey Chandler, where
are you from and what are you doing out this way?”
“I’m Becky Peterson’s sister. You know - Peterson’s Feed & Grain. Becky just had twins and was a little
overwhelmed at first so I came to help and she talked me into staying a while
“So you are just visiting?”
“Yes and no. I’m tired of living
in the city/suburbs, too much traffic and congestion and this area of California is so much
quieter than where I’m from in the San
Diego area. How
about you, Hank Caldwell, you hail from here?”
“Yup, born and raised and
probably die right here too. My family
owns the Circle C.”
“I assume the Circle C is a local
“Yeah, that it is. Are you ready to get in the truck and see if
Bella has stopped anywhere along the way?”
“Yeah, just please don’t ask me
to ride her back. I don’t think my bum
could take it.” She brought both her arms back and rubbed her bum cheeks. He felt a twitch in his jeans thinking he
would be happy to take over that chore.
“Sore, is it?”
“A little tender, but after a
long soak in the tub, it will be better tomorrow and ready for another
workout.” Hank sucked in his breath.
About two miles down the road,
Mickey spotted Bella grazing in a field off to the right.
“There she is,” and Hank slowed
down. He knew the farm road was a little further down and he turned in,
stopping at the cattle guard, to unhook the gate.
“Mickey, slide over to the
driver’s seat.” She did so, and passed
through the gate and picked Hank up on the other side once he hooked up the
“Turn here”
“Isn’t that trespassing?”
“Don’t worry about it, this isn’t
the city.”
She turned the truck into the
field, driving slowly until she was about two hundred yards from Bella. Bella barely looked up as Mickey
approached. She reached for the reins as
Hank checked Bella’s legs for any cuts or bruises.
“She looks okay,” Hank said. “Come here and I’ll show you a trick so you
won’t lose a rein again.”
“If you’re going to tell me about
tying the reins together, I do know that, it’s not my first time riding. I just
forgot to do it.
“Maybe, I should give you a
“And, what would that be?”
“A good spanking with the reins, might
be just what you need to remember to be take precautions when riding by
“At my age, you have to be
kidding.” He watched her squirm a little and tucked away the knowledge for
future reference.
“Mickey, age is no factor when it
comes to spanking.” He gave her that
smile that turned her knees to jelly.
“Do you know how to get back to
your sister’s from here?” he asked.
“I think so.”
“You drive the truck and I’ll
ride Bella back.” That smile again but
this time the accompanying tone didn’t match.
This tone was one of a man used to giving orders and having them obeyed.
“Yes, sir.” She said smiling but giving him a salute
along with it.
“Getting a little spunky, aren’t
“Am I?” she teased.
She got in the truck and took
off. He watched as she got to the gate,
unhooked it and got back into the truck and drove through and off onto the
road. It was why he held back, he
adjusted Bella’s stirrups, rode over to close and latch the gate. He made a mental note to remind her of the
importance of paying attention to close gates behind her, if he ever got the
By the time she got to Becky’s,
Hank was already there. He was sitting
on the front porch with one of the twins Ella cradled in his arm. He looked so natural, for a moment it almost
took away her breath; most men handled babies as if they would break.
“I didn’t realize you knew my
“Honey, Williston is a small town
and most people knew one another. Hank’s family has been around Williston as
long as Brad’s. Hank hasn’t been back
all that long, so I don’t know him as well as other Caldwell’s.” Becky said.
“If Becky doesn’t need me to
babysit tonight, I’d really like to take you out to dinner tonight to repay you
for saving my butt today.” Becky should
her head. “You go ahead, I’m fine.”
“I’d like that,” Hank replied.
Mickey told
Hank to choose the spot. He picked
Rowdy’s Roadhouse, a restaurant on the outskirts of Williston and made famous
by regular appearances of Rowdy’s Rangers, a Texas band now famous but
discovered at the restaurant by an affluent patron. Since then, whenever the band was on tour and
in the approximate area, they made it a point to drop in and play a set or two.
Rowdy’s was a popular place and there was quite a line waiting for a table when they arrived. Luckily
for them, many of the waiting patrons were large parties and they moved up the
list quickly since there was just the two of them.
had pumped her sister for any information on Hank, but she didn’t learn much.
Becky said he had only returned to Williston and let it go at that. Apparently, the Circle C was one of the
biggest and most successful ranches in the area. In addition to cattle and horses, their
holdings included vineyards and almond orchards. Hank had a couple of brothers and a sister
and both brothers worked on the ranch.
His sister married an attorney and moved to Washington DC . His parents, were still involved in the
running of the ranch but based on the gossip around town were gradually turning
it over to their sons, Hank, Dave and Randy.
and Mickey weren’t sitting at the table long before people started stopping by.
All of them welcomed him home; and expressed their hope he stayed this
time. If people ever stopped coming by
the table, she planned on finding out more about Hank Caldwell. With his tousled sandy blonde hair, bronzed
skin and bright blue eyes, fine lines crinkling the edges of his eyes and
mouth, he was good looking enough to be an actor or model. He was a man
comfortable in his own skin and used to being in command, and it showed.
Dressed in dark blue jeans, sharply creased but soft looking and weathered, a
checked long sleeved shirt and well-worn boots that were clean and polished, he
was one handsome cowboy and she was sure he set many a heart aflutter, hers
among them. The steady stream of
greeters slowed down and she was just about to ask him about himself when
another couple plopped themselves down in the seat on the other side of their
are you doing here, this is most unusual for you?” the man said to Hank. Mickey
took a good look at Dave and could see a resemblance but Hank was the winner.
“Mickey is taking me to dinner for saving her ass this afternoon.”
meet my brother Dave and this is his, ‘what are you Dani, his lover, friend,
mistress, wife; what other labels might there be?’”
need for such sarcasm or meanness, Hank” she purred at him.
see not much has changed.” Dave said to Hank. Mickey was surprised that Dave
took Hank’s disparaging remarks about Dani so well, she half expected
fisticuffs to break out at any moment.
a lot has changed. She’s with you now
and I only wish you the best of luck and hope to hell you never have to leave
town, because we have one more brother.”
“That’s enough, Hank.” Dave told him.
came and sat down here, so if you don’t want to hear anymore, then I suggest
you find yourself another table.”
gave Dani a slight push out of the booth.
As they walked away, Mickey spoke to Hank. “It’s none of my business, but I have to
ask. I can guess, but what the hell was
that all about?”
right Mickey, I don’t mean to be rude,
but I don’t want to ruin what’s left of the evening by hashing through things
better left untouched. Maybe if we ever get to know each other better, I’ll
but before they popped in, I wanted to ask what brought you back to Williston
and what took you away in the first place.
If the two things are tied together, I’ll understand if you don’t want
to go there.”
are and they aren’t.”
left because when I was in college I was recruited by Homeland Security. My college major was criminal justice and
after September 11th I was all gung ho to go out and protect my
country. When HS came on campus, they
offered me a chance to use my education and satisfy my passion; I took them up
on their offer. So, to answer your
question, I worked for Homeland Security.
I’m not active right now.”
are you back in Williston to stay?”
in Williston. Life changes on a dime and
in HS I learned to live one day at a time, that’s what I’m doing. So enough about me, let’s talk about you.”
I start at birth and just go forward or is there a particular place you want me
to start?”
smart mouth, I should have guessed from earlier today. Start anywhere you like?”
told you earlier my sister Becky had twins and I came to help. Once the twins
were on a regular schedule, I was beginning to feel underfoot but the holidays
were on the horizon and she asked me to
stay through them at least. It didn’t
take much convincing, spending the holidays with loved ones or alone. I find
I’m ready for a change and want to be closer to family. Becky said the district
is looking for teachers so I’ve decided to apply for a position. Back in San Diego , there are too
many memories around every corner. I’m a
widow. My husband was a Navy Seal that,
believe it or not, was not killed in the line of duty but by a drunk driver.
Barry returned from a mission and was on his way home when it happened. They haven’t found the driver, and I doubt
they ever will. It occurred about 2:30 am , and no one has come forward
with any information. It’s been two
years, so I don’t hold out any hope. It
doesn't matter though, it will not bring Barry back. Anyway, it’s time for a change. Becky is my only sibling so living close to
her and my nieces makes this the logical place to settle.”
if you get the job, you’ll settle here in Williston, or at least in the area?”
job or not, I’ll settle here. With
Barry’s pension, I don’t have any financial worries. I still have loose ends in Southern
California but nothing that will keep me there for long.”
to know.”
they were leaving Rowdy’s, a noise drew Mickey’s attention. Rowdy’s Restaurant had a wide porch, which
wrapped around the front, extended around the side and bordered the back
parking lot. Over sized chairs and benches
lined the porch to accommodate the patrons. During the busiest times, patrons
waited to hear their name called for dinner, and once the dinner crowd departed
and the roadhouse crowd gathered, these benches served other purposes. Many couples were in the throes of physical
exploration but to her absolute surprise, she saw a girl getting her buns toasted. The noise she heard weren’t cries for help
but cries of enjoyment.
and I enjoyed our little kink, but I can’t imagine we would ever do it in
public. I shouldn’t be surprised; my dad
used to refer to California
as the land of the fruits and nuts. I
don’t adhere to that, but anything I see here never surprises me.”
you and your husband indulged in spanking, why did you make the statement
earlier in the day about spanking at your age?”
used our spanking as foreplay, you know, the slap and tickle sort. Occasionally, he’d deliver a swat on my bum
but you made it sound like spanking for correction purposes.”
can be both, if there is consent between both parties.”
like the former, I would have to be convinced about the latter,” she told him
and he laughed.
the time and circumstances presents itself, I can be pretty convincing.”
have to see about that.” He placed his
hand low on her back so that part of his palm landed at the apex of her butt
crack. She felt the heat but ignored the
gesture, there would be time enough for that later on.
her sister’s, she invited him in but he declined. “You saved my life, I suppose
a kiss is in order.” She reached over to kiss him on the lips, expecting him to
reciprocate. Instead he gave her a chaste kiss and said he would
be in touch. Mickey was disappointed,
she thought they made a connection but it sounded like a brush off to her.
home, Hank was lost in his thoughts.
Since Dani, he kept his dating light and casual. He always told the ladies he did not want nor
was he looking for a relationship; he only wanted some fun and sex if offered. It
wasn’t that he didn’t get that many takers, he did but he was very selective. Mickey Chandler did not appear to be the kind
of girl to accept his terms; the problem was he liked her, but Dani had twisted
him up and tore his heart and trust into little pieces. Was he willing to risk
his heart on Mickey? His hardening shaft
answered the question but he still wasn’t sure he would call. He wasn’t
sure he was ready and he didn’t want to hurt someone the way he had been.
If you want to read further, the book is available at LSF and AMAZON - just click the title and you'll find yourself at the checkout counter.
See you later for more Aimless Ramblings.
Hi Sunny, congratulations on the new release and thank you for sharing the first chapter. Definitely got me intrigued to read more :)
Thanks Roz - Hope you enjoyed the rest.
DeleteI read it early and I was so into the story I didn't notice any name mistakes. That's what would make me a lousy editor. I can't be bothered with little mistakes when I'm lost in a story. This book was so good - cowboys, jealousy, surprise and, of course, a little spanking!
ReplyDeleteActually, I should never edit my own work, I read right over the errors.
DeleteSo glad you enjoyed the story and didn't get lost.
Hi Sunny, this is a good one, I am like PK I don't worry about mistakes once I am caught up in the story
ReplyDeletelove Jan,xx
Thanks Jan. I'm that way too, once I'm caught up in the story, I'm in the zone.
DeleteYou're, just awesome, Sunny. Just awesome!
ReplyDeleteOh Sarah, that's so sweet.
DeleteOhh yum! I am very happy with this one!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear it.
DeleteI wasn't going to read it but I did and loved it so look forward to reading the whole book Thanks SG.
Hope the rest measures up. Thanks Ronnie.
DeleteDownloaded. It is next up on my reading list
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy - let me know what you think?
DeleteHi Sunny, loved this snippet. I don't mind if there are different names, as long as I can identify who is who.
I didn't think it was a problem, but that's me.
DeleteHey Sunny...this is on my TBR list and after reading this snippet, I just might have to move it higher up the list. ;) Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHugs and Blessings...
Hope you enjoy when you have the time to read the rest.
DeleteGreat teaser, I will definitely buy it to read the rest. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Emerging Lurker - thanks for dropping by and even more for letting me know you were here. I'm glad the drum beats got to you - I did a good job today. Hope you enjoy the rest of the book.
DeleteBe sure to stop by again and Thanks.