Monday, June 2, 2014

The Ice Queen

Sorry about the delay in publishing this post.  I originally planned to put up a chapter of my latest book today and then changed my mind, so this post was scheduled for June 9th.  Didn't realize the mistake till I woke this morning. Didn't mean to give everyone a shock on this Monday morning.

Hope it was a greet week for everyone and this one will be better.  Going to be a hot one here in No. Texas.  I guess just the beginning of the summer heat.  

Don't forget about the A to Z challenge over at my other blog.

Wendy Taylor was a confirmed bachelorette. When she graduated from college, she was the only girl in her social circle that wasn’t engaged or already married.  It was by choice. 

She was a beautiful girl.  At 5’7” with legs that went all the way to her neck and curves in all the right places, she had no shortage of dates.  If she accepted a date, it was with the stipulation, that she would pay her way and she never dated any man beyond six dates.  She found after that, men started to get the idea she belonged to them.  She watched her friends get caught in this web and it wasn’t going to happen to her, ever.

Her nickname at Mitchell Enterprises, who employed her as a graphic designer, was the Ice Queen.  She didn’t mind, she couldn’t tolerate fools and this nickname kept them at bay. She was great at her job and David Parker, her boss, always gave her the plum assignments knowing she would come through for him.  The assignment she was currently assigned was for one of their biggest accounts.  The representatives for Dreamscape Products, Inc. were visiting to go over the designs and concepts for a new ad campaign.  David didn’t usually require her attendance at these meetings but this time he made an exception. 

“Wendy, I am going to need you to attend the meeting this afternoon.”


“There are bound to be questions and since it’s your campaign you will be able to explain your designs and make other suggestions if necessary. Besides, I want you to get the credit you deserve.  It’s terrific and I’m sure the clients will feel the same.”

Wendy was setting up the Power Point presentation and story boards when the Dreamscape representatives arrived.  Wendy knew how important this campaign was when she saw Wes Mitchell entering the conference room along with David.  It was Wendy’s opinion that Wes Mitchell only came down from his glass tower when he deemed the paens needed his finesse to close the deal.  It really irked Wendy and she hoped she could hide her feelings.

Wes Mitchell was the son of Desmond Mitchell the founder of Mitchell Enterprises.  He was a handsome man who knew it. His picture was always in the society section of the paper with one beautiful woman after another on his arm. He graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University so he had to have brains as well as looks but Wendy had never seen him in anything but these types of situations where he would sit back and glad hand everyone and not have anything substantial to offer except his presence.

When she and David completed the presentation, the head of the Dreamscape committee, Jameson Brooks, said he liked what he saw and wanted to congratulate the designer for catching the essence of their product so well.  David spoke up and said that Wendy was the person who had come up with the concept and design.

“Congratulations Wendy, I think your boss should give you a promotion.  It’s the first time a brand new campaign has hit all the points the first time out of the box.”

“Thank you, but we have a great staff and a boss in David Parker that knows our strengths and allows us to shine.”

“Modest and creative,” Jameson commented.

After more chatter, the meeting broke up and started leaving the conference room.  Jameson Brooks hung back to talk to Wendy.

“We’re all going over to Brady’s across the street for a drink. Will you join us?” he asked.

“I’d like that.  I have some things to clear up first so I’ll join you in a bit, if that is alright?”

“More than alright,” was his response.

When she was leaving she called out to David to see if he was ready to leave.

“Leave for what?” he asked

“Brooks asked me to join them for a drink over at Brady’s.” Aren’t you coming?” she said.

“He didn’t say anything to me, so I guess I’m not included.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, it makes me a little uncomfortable going over alone.  Why not just come with me anyway?”

“I really can’t.  I’m supposed to be meeting Janice.” He told her.  “It’s only a drink in a public place.  One drink and you can get out of there.  Go.  You need a life outside of here anyway.”

“You’re right.  Tell Janice I said hi and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, good work today Ice Queen.” He laughed as she gave him the finger.

She liked David.  He was one of the good guys.  A guy like him could almost make her forget her resolve to remain single.

Wendy walked into Brady’s and saw Jameson Brooks at a table in the back.  She was relieved to see a couple of members of his team were also there. Jameson stood and helped her into an empty chair.

“I’m so glad you could join us.  What can I get you?”

Before she could answer a voice behind her said “Only champagne will do for our star.”   When she turned she was surprised to see Wes Mitchell standing there and next to him a waiter holding a tray with a bottle of Mumm’s and several champagne flutes.

“Only Mumm’s, not Cristal,” Jameson remarked.

She watched the color creep up Wes’ neck until it reached his face.  She was embarrassed for him and thought Jameson’s remark was out of order. 

“Actually, it’s probably my bourgeois taste, but Mr. Mitchell knows I prefer Mumm’s.”

Jameson Brooks recognized the put down, and Wes Mitchell the save.  He looked at her and really saw her for the first time. She gorgeous, he said to himself, and smart too.

Once everyone’s glass was filled and they toasted to Wendy’s successful campaign, she emptied her glass, thanked everyone and stood up to leave.

“Going so soon?” Jameson asked.

“Yes, I have plans for the evening.  Thank you again.”

Wes Mitchell said his good byes also and walked out with Wendy.

“Thank you Wendy,” he said as they approached the door.

“I only did my job, Mr. Mitchell,” she responded.

“Please call me Wes or Mitch.  When you say Mr. Mitchell I keep looking for my father.  I wasn’t referring to the job, which was excellent by the way.  I was referring to the comment you made to that ass Jameson about the champagne.”

“Oh, I thought he was out of line.”

“You were so charming about it, it was the perfect put down.  I think I know why you’re nicknamed the Ice Queen.”

Wendy blushed.

“Surprised that I know that, aren’t you?”  Actually, contrary to what you think, I know quite a bit about what goes on in our company.  I happen to know you think I’m a pompous ass.  Well you will be happy to know, that sometimes, I am.”

Wendy’s color deepened. 

“I’d like to buy you dinner sometime, Ms. Taylor.  And just so you know, the dinner will be on me.” He watched her eyes widen. 

“Surprised I know that too, aren’t you?  I keep my ears open Ms. Taylor and the scuttlebutt is that in addition to being an ice queen, you insist on paying your share. I would love to know what other rumors I’ve heard might also be true.”

She was thoroughly mortified now and wasn’t sure what to say or do, a rare occurrence for her.

“Good night, Ms. Taylor and call my assistant tomorrow to let me know what night would be convenient for you.  I’ll arrange my schedule accordingly.”  He turned and walked across the street.

Wendy continued to stand there for a minute before she too crossed the street.  She  thanked God she didn’t bump into him on the way to her car.  She had no idea what she was going to do about Wes Mitchell.


Three days passed since that night at Brady’s. Everyone was gone for the day but Wendy was busy at her work table when a shadow fall across her desk.

“You’re in my light,” she said without turning around.

“Too bad,” and she realized it was Wes Mitchell.  “You haven’t called Miriam so I’m here to set a date.”

“Mr. Mitchell, Wes.  I don’t make a habit of dating people where I work.  It’s just too awkward.”

“It’s dinner.  How long have you worked here?” 

“Two years, what does that have to do with anything?”

“In the two years we’ve worked here, how much interaction has there been between us?”

“Until recently, none.”

“Okay, so how awkward could it be to have dinner.  If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.  Lord, I’ve never had so much trouble asking a woman to have dinner with me.  So, when is it going to be?”

“I can make tonight?  We can leave as soon as I’m finished here.”

“Oh no, you don’t.  You are finished here but we’re not going to dinner tonight.  We’re going on an actual date; I will be
picking you up at your home at 7:30 pm tomorrow night.  If it’s not clear, clear it.”

“Is that an order?” she asked.

“If it has to be,” he replied. 

“You leave me no choice.  Do you need an address?”

“Not if the correct one is on file with HR.” he responded.”

“It is.”

“Okay, close up shop.  I will walk you to your car.”

The elevator ride to the parking garage was quiet.  When the door opened, he walked with her to the car.  She unlocked the door and settled herself inside.

“I will see you at 7:30 pm tomorrow evening. Now close and lock the door and drive carefully.”
No man ever treated her like that before. Wendy was the one usually in control and the guy was falling all over himself trying to please her.  Granted, as her employer, Wes Mitchell had the upper hand, but she felt the dominance she just witnessed had nothing to do with work.  Wendy was amazed at how wrong she had been, so far all of her opinions concerning him were dead wrong.

He hadn’t given her a clue to where they were going, so she decided that a simple wrap dress with high-heeled sandals and a pashmina would be fine no matter where they had dinner.  Her doorbell rang at 7:30 pm and when she saw him standing there dressed in pressed jeans, an open-necked oxford cloth shirt and a leather blazer with loafers and no socks, she was glad she made the right choice.  Wes Mitchell looked good enough to be in a Ralph Lauren ad.  He definitely wore his clothes, not the other way around. 

“You look lovely, Wendy,” he told her.

“I wasn’t sure how to dress.”

“I always appreciate a woman in a dress.”

“Thank you.”  He walked her out to a long sleek limousine,   the driver standing there holding the open door.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” she said to him.  “Don’t you think this is a bit of overkill for a dinner date.”

“I have my reasons,” he told her. 

Surprisingly, Wendy had a lovely evening.  Wes was a charming man and conversation flowed effortlessly between them with not a word about Mitchell Enterprises. The waiter brought the bill and Wendy grabbed for her purse.

“You better not be trying to pay your share, because if I so much as see you try to whip out a credit card, I’m going to spank you.”

“I repeat something I said earlier.  You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Do you doubt me?  If you do, just try it and see what happens.”

She closed her purse.  “Good decision,” he told her.

Wendy couldn’t believe what he said, how could he ruin a perfectly good evening by turning neandrathal.  His hand at the small of his back as he ushered her out of the restaurant gave her shivers and she pulled the pashmina tighter around her shoulders.  It was a protective reaction and he recognized it as such.

“I don’t bite.”

“No, but you do spank.  You are aware this is the 21st century right?  Children aren’t even spanked nowadays.”

“I don’t have any children,” he responded.

In the car, he pulled the window closed between the driver and them.  He put on some soft music, and reached for Wendy’s hand.  She pulled back and he reached for it again.

“Have brunch with me on Sunday?”

“I don’t think so.  You said one dinner, we had that.”

“Wendy, I had a great time tonight.  I know that you didn’t hate it.  Come to brunch with me?”

“You can have any girl you want, why not ask one of your other girls.”

“There are no other girls,” he told her.

“Then who is in all those pictures in the paper.”

“So you keep tabs on me.” He smirked.  “Come to brunch with me Sunday and I’ll tell you all my secrets,” he told her.

She laughed. 

“By God, I made the Ice Queen laugh,” he said

“You’re not making any points.”

“Oh, come on, loosen up, you know you want to.  Just come to brunch with me on Sunday.”

“You’re not going to give up, are you?”

“Not a chance.”

They went to brunch on Sunday and Wendy reminded him he was going to tell her all his secrets.

“My first secret is that all those girls are either family friends or paid employees.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Well, they are. Someone was always after me because of who I was.  I decided the easiest way to circumvent the problem was to hire ‘dates’.

“I still don’t believe it, but what’s your other secrets,” she asked?

“I have the limo and the driver because I’m a terrible driver.”

“Terrible, in what way?”

“I have a lead foot and have received so many tickets that my license has been suspended for three months, this time.”

“Shame on you.  And to think you were the one that was going to spank me for merely reaching for my credit card when it’s you that needs the spanking.”

“Two different things.  Besides, I’m the man and I do the spanking.”

“Seriously,” she asked?

“Seriously,” he answered.


Wendy broke all her own dating rules when it came to Wes.  She was falling in love with him and hated herself for it. She never thought she would fall for such a demanding man.  The trouble was he was charming about being demanding and every time he took that bossy attitude, she noticed a definite wetness in a certain area of her body.

On their seventh date Wendy told Wes they were in new territory.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’ve never gone out with a man more than six times. It was one of my rules.”

“So what I heard really was true,’ and he laughed. “Well I’m glad you made me the exception because if you had turned me down, I would have come to your house and put you over my knee and spanked you until you accepted my invitation.”

“And you think that behavior would endear you to me.”

“Shall we see?”

“I don’t see that happening but you never know,” she told him.

“I do because I don’t intend to let you get away and knowing your personality and mine, I’m quite sure that eventually you will end up over my knee.  Quite frankly, I can’t wait to spank that luscious bottom of yours and watch the Ice Queen melt right before my eyes.”

Wendy felt that wetness and her body shivered.

He had that know it all smirk on his face. “Oh yes, I know you feel it too.  Soon, my sweet, very soon.”

See you later for more Aimless Ramblings.


  1. Guess I came back to blogland on a good day. Love this snippet, need more

  2. And you wonder why we always ask for more - read your story and you'll see why!

  3. Oh goodness Sunny...can't wait to read about their first spanking! Thanks for a fun story. ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

  4. Replies
    1. Nice to see you Daisy. Haven't seen you around in a while.

  5. Wow!!! Can't wait for more!!

  6. Yummy story!! Love them both!
    More please!

  7. SG,

    You have done it again, love the story. Yes, more please.


  8. Loved this Sunny, definitely need more !:) I love how forthright he is. "No, but you do spank" ... loved that LoL


  9. I do have an issue with guys who wear shoes with no socks (ewww) but aside from that, I loved this story and want to read what happens next, soon please :)

    Dee x

  10. Wonderful story! I love their interaction. Two smart, strong main characters. No wonder it is so enjoyable to read. More, more please.


Thanks for stopping by. Make it a Great Day