Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Grinch Took Hold

I think the title of my story last week was very prophetic.  Our "kids" were coming to AZ for Christmas, we were so excited.  We were to all join together in Tucson.  Well, enter the Christmas grinch in the form of colds, flu and bronchitis. First it was me, and of course I couldn't not share, so then is was Ray, then SIL, then daughter and youngest grand. So far, the oldest grand is the only one not hacking and blowing. The Emergency Care Clinic got a workout from our family.  

Thankfully we are all on the mend now and spending today visiting Old Tuscon and tomorrow going ice skating at a place in Phoenix.  Sunday, they head back home. We've had better Christmases but at least we were all sick together.   HO HO HO


  1. Hi Sunny,so sorry to hear that you have all been poorly, glad you are all on the mend now. Enjoy the next couple of days
    love Jan.xx

  2. Aww Sunny!! Sorry to hear that your holiday turned sick bay!! :( Glad that you all are on the mend! Now that is family togetherness!!! Feel better- and enjoy the rest of the holiday week!!! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

  3. Happy to hear that you are all on the mend. We have spent a few weeks sick. Dragon is sick now. He is the last one in our family. Tested positive for type a and brings flu virus. Lovely.

    It hasn't gotten us down. We are just happy to be together.

  4. So sorry you had to go through all that, but glad you weathered it together. I hope everyone's health keeps heading in the right direction.

  5. Hi Sunny, so sorry to hear everyone ended up sick for Christmas. As you said, at least you were all together :) Glad to hear everyone is on the mend and hope you can all now enjoy the rest of your time together.


  6. Hey sorry you have all been sick but happy to read that everyone is on the mend and you have some good time together before they have to head home! Stay well!

    Hugs and Blessings...

  7. Good to hear you are on the mend now but stinky that you were all sick during Christmas! Have fun ice skating!

  8. SG,

    Happy to hear you are on the mend. Hope the rest of the family is.


  9. Hope everyone is feeling better...sending hugs

  10. Thank you everyone for your good wishes. We are getting better every day and enjoying our remaining time.

  11. Aw, did you wave at me while you were here? Sorry for the sickness!

  12. Hope you're all feeling a bit better by now. Christmas is certainly a time for sharing!

    1. Yes, I believe in sharing. Thanks for the good toughts.


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